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Dec 17: Chanterêves at Flatiron 5pm at Flatiron Wines & Spirits (929 Broadway, NYC) and will include two reds (Bourgogne, Pommard) and one white (Saint


March 27: Bowler Spring Tasting

...forward to tasting wines from Berthaut-Gerbet, Gavignet, Joly, and Lebrun from our portfolio. Wine industry folks should RSVP either by calling


Nov. 7: Jean-Philippe Bret at Racines

...their by-the-glass deal, they’ll also be hosting Jean-Philippe Bret of La Soufrandière and Bret Brothers on Tuesday evening! Come down on


Nov. 8: Dublère Dinner in Houston

...Domaine Dublère with commentary by the grower and winemaker himself, paired with courses by chef Jaime Salazar! Tickets are $125 per


Nov. 3: Baudouin at Flatiron

We are very excited to announce an in-store tasting of wines from Domaine Patrick Baudouin hosted by Flatiron Wines in New


Nov. 10th: Deiss Winemaker Dinner

Somm Ashley Ragovin of Pour This is hosting an intimate dinner event with one of our favorite Alsatian winemakers, Mathieu Deiss!


Nov. 11: Deiss Winemaker Apéro

Veritas Imports is taking advantage of Mathieu Deiss’ presence in California for RAW and organizing an afternoon Winemaker Apéro with the